Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Interesting moments in the life of Pippa

I've had a few interesting developments crop up in the last few days, with Miss Pippa.

Last weekend, I went out of town for a dog show with Charm.  My parents were so kind as to watch Britty, Buster, Willow, and Pippa for the weekend.  At my parents' house, the dogs were fed about an hour earlier than I usually feed them.  The day after I brought all the dogs home, I was in my office working and Pippa was in her corner on the dog bed, when 4 pm rolled around.  Pippa got up, came to the doorway of the office, and just looked at me.  I said hi to her and she wandered away.  A bit later, I heard an odd, sort of halfway bark coming from the living room.  I looked around and all the dogs except Pippa were in the office with me.  She'd been the one to bark and make noise!!!  Every day since then, Pippa has come to the doorway of the office sometime between 4 and 5 pm to remind me that she'd like her dinner!

For a few days now, I've noticed a stuffed toy carcass in the corner where Pippa likes to lay.  I assumed that one of my dogs put it there, since I've never seen Pippa touch a toy and my dogs are constantly dropping them in random places.  Today, I finally realized that Pippa might have brought that toy to her corner herself!  What brought me to that realization was finding the toy relocated to Pippa's crate.  I know none of my dogs would do that, so the only answer is that she put it in her crate herself.  I have no clue when she might have done that, but it was kind of exciting to know that she's been carrying a toy around!

This evening, for the first time ever, Pippa decided to lay in her crate with her front feet and chin resting on the door frame of the crate, instead of cowering in the back!  I tried to get a photo, but that spooked her in to retreating to the back of the crate.  Still, that's the first time she's felt safe enough to relax in her crate with the door open.

Every day with Pippa is just interesting.  She's a sweet dog, and she really wants to interact with me, she's just scared and doesn't know how.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Huge step for Pippa!!!

Check it out, two updates in as many days.  Dogs love to prove us humans as liars, and Pippa did it in spectacular fashion this morning.  Just as I say that progress is slow, Pippa takes a huge, brave step.

This morning, I got up really early to let dogs out and released Pippa and Willow from their crates.  Then, we all went back to bed for another hour to snuggle.  Pippa went to her corner, Willow jumped on the bed and curled up.  I was halfway asleep and heard the pitter-pat of doggie toenails on my wood floors.  Charm and Willow were curled up on the bed, and Pippa rarely moves from her corner, so I assumed it was either Buster or Britty just wandering, and ignored it.  It was a constant pacing, though, so I started to get curious, and when I heard the toenails approach the bedroom door and stop, I opened my eyes to see who it was.  There was Pippa!!!!  She had come to find me!  It took a minute to register, and she just stood there looking at me.  I said a soft "hey Pippa," and she scurried away.  I didn't think anything of it, except that she must have gotten curious as to where everyone was.  I got up a bit later and found that Pippa had left me a little "present" in the living room.  Apparently, her pacing and then seeking me out was her way of telling me she needed to go out to poop!  No big deal on the accident - wood floors make that kind of clean up easy.  What was a huge deal was that Pippa realized she needed to go do that outside, and was trying her hardest to get out there (the pacing and then coming to find me).  Now I know what those things mean for Pippa, and I'll be more vigilant in the future!  I think that's the first time she's come to seek me out in another room and it's just so exciting, even if it was just because she needed to go out to potty.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A long overdue update

I do apologize to all of you that have been waiting for an update.  Life got busy!  Also, Pippa's progress is very slow, so it has become more difficult to write about now that we've passed major hurdles (like not pooping when someone touches her or just walking upright).  I will try to post more frequent updates, but no promises!!

Pippa continues to make progress, but it is very slow.  She still seems to prefer her hallway corner or her crate, but she has now accepted a dog bed in her corner and will lay on it if I make sure that it's in her spot.  I haven't given her a blanket or bed in her crate yet, because she just eats the fabric.  Pippa has reached the point where she knows what "outside, go potty" and "kennel up" mean, and will willingly go outside when asked or get in her kennel.  I can even stand by the back door and call her to go outside and she will a normal walk rather than a scurry!  I can stand near her kennel and call her to that as well, but if I'm too close, she won't go in, she just kinda circles around the living room until I move a step or two away.  She has become comfortable enough with me that she just looks at me with curiosity when I approach.  She doesn't scurry away from me and will just get up and walk away at a normal pace.  She still doesn't feel comfortable coming up to me and doesn't like it when I come up to her unless she's safely in her corner or crate.  She still won't eat or drink if I'm watching, but is interested in food.  Pippa knows what dinner time is, and if I'm too slow in bringing her food bowl to her, she will come out of her corner and look for me.  Lately, I've been feeding her in her crate, so she's a bit confused about where she's supposed to eat - her corner or her crate.  This evening, she heard me getting dinner ready and raced to her crate.  I didn't bring her bowl right away, so she went back to her corner.  A moment later, she was back in her crate.  Then her corner...and then her crate.  She ended up eating in her crate.  I would like her to learn that she can eat in different places and that it's all "okay."  Pippa has also learned that me asking her to kennel up is often preceded by me opening the treat jar.  The treat jar has a metal latch on it, and I always give her a little cookie when she goes in her crate.  So, Pippa has associated the sound of the treat jar latch with going in her kennel and getting a treat!  This evening, I opened the treat jar to convince Charm to come inside, and I heard Pippa hurrying across the living room floor and going in to her crate!  Of course, I gave her a treat for that, and then left the crate door open so she could go back to her corner if she wanted to.  Pippa is continuing to make progress in baby steps, but there is progress there.

Willow also deserves a bit of an update.  She's made more progress than Pippa, but she's got a different type of personality.  Willow has also learned what the sound of the treat jar latch means, and was even faster than Pippa in getting in to her crate this evening, when I opened the jar!  Willow has also learned that dogs get treats when they come inside when told.  Willow struggles with that, so I make sure to reward her for going through the scary doorway and coming inside.  Of course, even if she's already inside and the other dogs are coming in, she still thinks she needs a treat.  I went outside to bring Charm in, and when I came in, I found Willow sitting on the couch, looking at me over the back, waiting for her treat!  Since she came close to me voluntarily, she got a treat.  Willow is an odd little dog.  She rarely comes up to me on her own, she ducks and runs if I approach her, and she generally doesn't really want to be close to me.  The exception is when I'm in bed.  If I let Willow join me and my dogs on my bed, she instantly wants to snuggle and be as close to me as possible!  It's just weird!  She curls up next to me and seems to just love the snuggling...but only on my bed.  Willow has started heartworm treatment now and will hopefully be ready for a forever home after the first of the year.

And, a quick Kipling update.  He continues to make slow progress.  He will now occasionally approach and give nose nudges when he wants attention.  He still tends to run away if a person looks directly at him, but he's starting to see that people aren't as scary as he thought.  He likes to engage in play, and will play for a bit before he remembers that he's supposed to be scared.  Kipling had his first real bath, and survived the experience.  He even got his fur trimmed up a bit without to much drama.

I'm enjoying these fosters.  Willow makes me laugh often, with her antics.  Pippa surprises me daily with how strong the Brittany spirit is.  Both will make wonderful pets for the right family, eventually.  Pippa will take longer than Willow, but that's okay.  In the mean time, I'll continue to just quietly hang out with Pippa and help her learn that people really aren't that scary.

And, just for fun - I "tortured" the dogs by making them wear a pumpkin hat on Halloween - neither Pippa nor Willow were amused.

Willow with the Pumpkin hat and scarf.  This is the least terrified looking photo that I managed to take.

Pippa with the Pumpkin hat.  She was trying to become one with the wall.  
My crew, sporting Halloween scarves.  L to R - Charm, Buster, Britty