Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Very short update - big break through

So - I know I totally need to update this blog. I kinda lost interest in it for a while (sorry!) and haven't updated in months!!! I may do a longer update this weekend, when I have some down time.  I've been busy with fostering and showing and training dogs and just haven't made the time to write.  

Pippa had a huge break through today, though. I'm sitting in my office working, and she calmly walked in and lay down in a dog bed in the corner!!! This is so huge for her. She got out of her crate, she came in to the same room as me, and she lay in a bed! Of course, then, I sneezed, and she got up and left. She came back in and lay down again, but I shifted position in my chair to try and get a photo of her, and she left again. She hasn't come back, but I'm excited she did that much!!!

This is even more awesome because we had kind of a set back yesterday. I took her in to finally start heartworm treatment and she freaked out at the vet's office and terror pooped all over their lobby and again all over their hospital floor. She hasn't pooped in terror in a while, so I felt really bad for her. 

She is on pain meds right now, which might be mellowing her out a little, but I'll take what I can get. She's been making slow progress anyway - she now spends more time laying with her front feet draped over the doorway of her crate than she does huddled in the back. If I'm not in the room, she will collect toys and either take them to her crate or just scatter them about the living room. I caught her sleeping on the couch late one night (not even sure how she got herself up there, but she did). She's making progress, it's just so very slow. The huge break throughs, like today, are just so exciting!!