Monday, October 7, 2013

A new milestone

Today, Pippa hit a new milestone!  She was able to walk from the back of the boarding kennel almost all the way out to my car on leash!  Then, she walked from the garage in to the house on leash.  This is HUGE for her, as walking on a leash has been a challenge.  I'm not sure what has finally clicked for her, but I'm very glad that something did.  I think, just to keep it up, I'm going to be walking her around on leash every day for a while.

I went out of town last weekend, so Pippa and Willow got to go back to the boarding kennel.  The staff were all happy to see them looking so much better.  Willow and Pippa did well at the kennel and seemed kind of excited to see me when I picked them up.

Pippa just amazed me today.  I saw her walking out on a leash and almost cried!  Then, when I got home, she was actually pawing at the crate to be let out of the car.  She willingly waited for me to put her leash on and then she jumped down from the car.  She did try to hide in a corner in the garage, briefly, but I told her no and she just walked along beside me.  I can't even describe how exciting this is.  Both her walking on a leash and wanting to get out of the crate, and just her overall seeming to want to interact a bit more with me and the other dogs.


  1. What great news! I check all the time so I don't miss any milestones of Pippa's, and your writing is always so entertaining. I am just delighted that this little girl is with you and your pack to teach her that being a Brittany with the right folks is a wonderful thing. Thanks so much for all you are doing for her. LKL

  2. We also check for updates daily and enjoy hearing of Pippa, Willow and Kipling's progress. It's so fun to hear of her inner Brittany coming out. Keep up the good work!

    Greetings from Omaha,
    Byron and Stephanie

  3. Good news indeed! It's amazing how resilient our little furry friends can be...

    Brenda and the Brit Brats: Kelcy, Susie, Bodie and Max!

  4. It's great to hear Pippa is coming out of her self imposed shell.
