Monday, November 11, 2013

Huge step for Pippa!!!

Check it out, two updates in as many days.  Dogs love to prove us humans as liars, and Pippa did it in spectacular fashion this morning.  Just as I say that progress is slow, Pippa takes a huge, brave step.

This morning, I got up really early to let dogs out and released Pippa and Willow from their crates.  Then, we all went back to bed for another hour to snuggle.  Pippa went to her corner, Willow jumped on the bed and curled up.  I was halfway asleep and heard the pitter-pat of doggie toenails on my wood floors.  Charm and Willow were curled up on the bed, and Pippa rarely moves from her corner, so I assumed it was either Buster or Britty just wandering, and ignored it.  It was a constant pacing, though, so I started to get curious, and when I heard the toenails approach the bedroom door and stop, I opened my eyes to see who it was.  There was Pippa!!!!  She had come to find me!  It took a minute to register, and she just stood there looking at me.  I said a soft "hey Pippa," and she scurried away.  I didn't think anything of it, except that she must have gotten curious as to where everyone was.  I got up a bit later and found that Pippa had left me a little "present" in the living room.  Apparently, her pacing and then seeking me out was her way of telling me she needed to go out to poop!  No big deal on the accident - wood floors make that kind of clean up easy.  What was a huge deal was that Pippa realized she needed to go do that outside, and was trying her hardest to get out there (the pacing and then coming to find me).  Now I know what those things mean for Pippa, and I'll be more vigilant in the future!  I think that's the first time she's come to seek me out in another room and it's just so exciting, even if it was just because she needed to go out to potty.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Pippa! And you! It's such a treat to continue to read your blog postings. And I'm not surprised that after what seemed like slow/no progress, there's something of a breakthrough. Happens with children as well. Great work, all. LKL
