Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pippa is a "real" dog

In the past week or so, Pippa has suddenly gotten incredibly brave and decided that she might like to be a real dog and do stuff like play with toys and hang out with me in the office.  She's been coming in to the office while I work and laying down on the dog beds.  As long as I pretend she doesn't exist, she'll stay there and sleep or chew on a bone.  If I look at her for too long or say her name, she leaves...but she comes back after just a few minutes.

She's also started carrying toys and bones around the house, playing with them, and even playing with Charm.

I thought, instead of a lengthy text update, I'd just post a few photos of Pippa being a "real" dog.

Pippa's first day of laying in the office - in the dog bed at the opposite corner from my desk

Sharing a bed with Britty

She got brave and moved to the bed right next to my desk, and even brought a toy

laying down 3 feet from me, with her toy

playing with her toy, with Charm and Cobalt in the background, and Buster under my feet

playing with Charm and a toy, less than a foot from me.

Charm took her toy, so she went to find another (yes, Buster is still sleeping at my feet)

Cobalt staring at me while Pippa and Charm play with a toy

Cobalt watching Pippa and Charm play

Pippa and Charm managed to find their own toys (yup, Buster's still snoozing)

Pippa, caught her looking up at me!  

Pippa checking out another toy, and Cobalt checking out the still snoozing Buster


  1. YAY Pippa!! That's huge progress for her, congratulations to you and your crew for bring her out of her shell.

    Greetings from Omaha,
    Byron, Stephanie and Scout

  2. This is awesome...I am so happy to see her being a "regular dog"!
    Keep up the good work Pippa & Lisa xoxo
