Friday, September 20, 2013

Smart Pippa

Well - typical for a Brittany, Pippa is a very smart little girl, even when she's scared.  This evening, my Border Collie was dancing around in the hallway, so I asked her if she needed to go outside.  She danced towards the back door, so I got off the couch to let her out.  Britty, my BC, was being silly, and when I opened the door, she decided to go in to my bedroom.  She does weird things like that...she wants me to invite her outside, I guess.  Or maybe it's just because she's a Border Collie.  So, I'm standing there at the back door, and calling out "come on Britty, outside, go potty!  Outside, outside, outside."  Just as I moved away from the back door to go track down my wayward BC (who is 12+ years old and starting to go deaf), Pippa came around the corner of the hallway, headed outside!  Every time I tell Pippa to go outside, I tell her "outside, go potty" and apparently that's sunk in enough that when she hears it, she starts to head outside.  Of course, as she came around the corner, she saw me walking towards her and had to scurry back to her corner.  I got out of the way, called for dogs to go outside, and Pippa came around the corner again and headed out.  What a smart girl she is!  And, yes, the wayward Border Collie went outside eventually too.

Pippa is also a typical Brittany clown, even though I don't think she means to be.  She's a very short girl - probably under 17 inches easily.  Now, my boy, Buster, is a very tall Brittany at 21.5 inches.  Lately, every time the dogs come in from outside, Pippa and Buster have been at the front of the crowd.  Buster calmly trots in, while Pippa scurries.  Every time they are the first two in the house, Pippa ends up scurrying in, and somehow sliding UNDER Buster as she comes inside.  I'm not entirely sure how she's getting between his back legs to get under his body, since she's wider than he is (have I mentioned she's a fat little thing?).  Somehow, though, she manages to slide between his back legs, under his belly, and out between his front legs!  Every time, Buster gets this look on his face like 'what the heck?!'  He stops and looks back at me then back at Pippa before heading the rest of the way in to the house.  Meanwhile, Pippa has finished scurrying in to her corner of the hallway.

Every day with Pippa is an adventure!  She's adorable and I'm anxiously waiting for her full personality to come out.

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