Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 15: It's Alive!!!!

Day 15:  Today, Pippa took the initiative to move out of her corner several times!  Looks like there's a real dog that's been hiding under that lump of fur and terror.

This morning, Pippa did everything I asked her to with very little prompting.  She went outside, she pottied, she even went in to her crate when I had to leave the house.  It was another day in the office, so I didn't get to spend much time with her this afternoon.  I'm working from home the rest of the week, so I'll get to spend more time with her.

This evening is when the huge progress occurred.  I was sitting outside, enjoying some ice cream and the not to hot weather.  I had the back door open and all the dogs were outside with me, except for Pippa and my old gal, Britty.  I heard toenails tapping on the wood floor and then on the concrete of the patio, but I just figured it was Britty coming outside, and didn't bother to turn around and check.  Then out of the corner of my eye, along the fence line, I saw a little liver and white dog!  I looked up and saw Buster laying in the grass, so I turned to look more fully, and there was Pippa!!!  She'd decided to join us all outside without any prompting from me.  Heck, since she'd already gone potty, I was just gonna leave her alone to stay inside if she wanted to.  Normally, when the back door is open, Pippa races inside and hides.  Tonight, she spent some time exploring the yard, and then calmly wandered back inside after a bit.  It was so exciting to see!!!

Later, after it got dark, I was inside, sitting on the couch, checking email.  It was fairly quiet, dogs were all laying around, tv was off, and my laptop keyboard doesn't make much noise.  I heard Pippa get up from her corner of the hallway, and walk in to the living room just far enough to look around and see where everyone was.  I looked up and said hi to her, and she turned and went back to her corner.  It seems like she's starting to trust me and wants to at least know where I am, even if she's not quite ready to hang out in the same room with me and the other dogs.

I decided that since she'd been so brave, we were going to try something new for her "get Pippa used to being touched" session.  I picked her up and set her on the couch next to me.  She wasn't too sure of that, but let me massage her for a few minutes.  Then, I got distracted by one of the other dogs and took my hands off Pippa for just a moment.  That was all she needed to scamper off of the couch and back to her corner.  That's okay...we'll keep trying.  Eventually, she's going to become a "real live dog"

Oh, and I know this is Pippa's blog, but I have to brag on my other foster, Kipling.  Kip is also very terrified, but he's at least more active than Pippa.  He's very wary of loud noises, sudden movements, and people in general.  Like Pippa, he has about a 4 foot comfort zone and tends to play keep away if you try to move inside that zone.  He really likes my dogs, though, and is picking up things quickly from them.  He's already figured out that if Charm rings her bell at the back door, I'm going to come open it, so he runs to stand at the door when he hears the bell!  Tonight, he was outside playing with Charm and when he came in, he play bowed at me!!!  Not sure he meant to, but it was really cute and he was so happy!  He's been very peppy today, meeting new people at the vet clinic, rolling around in the grass, sneaking up next to me to see what I'm eating, playing with the other dogs, and even standing on his hind legs to peek over the back of the couch at me.  


  1. I am so pleased to read about Pippa's progress, and Kip's too! I look forward to the postings and am so grateful you are there for these dogs. Thanks so much! LKL

  2. So excited that Pippa is beginning to discover the world around her. Sending greetings from Omaha, keep up the great work!

  3. Woo-hoo! for Pippa, Kip and you, too!

    Brenda and the Brit-Brats (Kelcy, Susie, Bodie & Max)
