Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 19: Bit of a setback

Day 19:  This morning, Pippa was being a very brave girl.  I left her out of her crate while I was in the shower.  Once I was ready, I went in to the living room just to check on the dogs, and Pippa actually peeked around the hallway corner and came in to the living room just a bit to find me.  I was thrilled that she seemed to be getting braver.  Then, this afternoon, I had a bit of a set back with Pippa.  My Mom came over, and it surprised Pippa.  I was trying to get Pippa to go outside and she freaked out because Mom was standing in the kitchen.  Pippa pooped on the floor, then threw herself in her crate.  I had to loop a slip lead over her head and drag her out of the crate.  Since then, she's been afraid to go outside when told to.  She keeps trying to put herself in her crate.  It's okay, I knew there would be setbacks, and we'll work through it, I'm just sad that she is still so scared!

Kipling, on the other hand, is getting comfortable enough to cause mischief.  I had some spools of ribbon on the coffee table.  I was in the kitchen and I heard him chewing on something.  I didn't think anything about it, because he's been chewing on dog bones.  I happened to glance over after a while and found him on the dog bed eating the cardboard spool for the ribbon!!!  Fortunately, he didn't eat any of the ribbon, just the cardboard.  What is it with Brittanys and cardboard???  Anyway, I just laughed at him and took the ribbon and spool away.  He's still very skittish about approaching me if I'm looking at him, but will take treats from my fingers if I face away from him or he's in his crate.

Both had scary stuff happen today - Kipling got a waterless shampoo bath and brush out, as his fur was getting kinda nasty feeling.  He needs a real bath, but we'll work up to that.  Pippa had to get her collar changed out.  I bought her a name tag, and decided that the collar she was wearing was too big.  It was very traumatic for her to have me removing and putting on a collar.  Poor baby.  They survived, though, and are both soundly sleeping in their crates now.


  1. Still reading every day and sending calming thoughts to Pippa. It's good to hear how realistic you are being with the whole process. I think it makes it easier if one doesn't expect a constant uphill curve. It does sound like there's more progress than regress, though, and that is a great achievement for Pippa. Thank you so much for taking all the time and care that she and Kip need for their rehabilitation. And thanks to your good dogs, too, for being such valuable role models.

  2. Bless Pippa's heart. Who doesn't have a rough day, but she'll get through it. She's had a small taste what of the good life thanks to you and your other doggies and she'll be making forward progress again soon. Thanks for the update.

    Greetings from Omaha,
    Byron & Stephanie
