Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 8: Quiet Day

Day 8:  Almost missed it!!!  Today was a quiet day for Pippa and I.  I worked, she sat in her corner.

She is now afraid of the laundry room and if I open the door, she races in to the living room and paces around until I shut the door again and she can go back to her corner.

There were no new milestones for Pippa today.  In fact, we took a step back in that as I was trying to get her to go outside, she pottied on the floor.  That's okay, she's been making improvements by leaps and bounds, so I'll take a quiet day if that's what she needs.

Pippa did spend some time outside playing with the dogs this evening, while I cleaned out the garage.  She's looking at me every time I say her name, and seems to be more relaxed about me approaching her.

Today was basically a day off for all my dogs.  We'll be back to attempting to socialize Pippa tomorrow!


  1. Thank you for chronicling Pippa's progress. It sounds like you and she have a journey ahead, but how lucky she is to have a second chance. I admire your patience and thank you for helping out this little girl. These are special pups!

  2. Thank you for the love and care you are giving Pippa. I can't imagine what her life must have been like for her to be this scared. I look forward to the day when you post that she has jumped into your lap for a cookie!!!

  3. Thank you for everything you're doing for Pippa. I'm looking forward to reading about her progress. I'm thankful to ABR every day for the wonderful little Brittany girl we brought into our family on February 1st of this year.

  4. I have a Brittany myself, adopted from NEBR 7 years ago and he's still going strong at 15 1/2. This is all so interesting and I look forward to hearing about Pippa and her milestones each day.
    Lisa Ahern

  5. How grateful I am to you on Pippa's behalf.Have been following your
    daily steps as of today.Your patience is laudable. Brava
    I am another fan of ABR. Your dedication is heartwarming. We are all
    cheering (quietly)for you and your rehab. team!
    Thank you

  6. I think playing with the other dogs is a positive sign. Charm, Buster and Miss Britty may teach her that you are a good gal. Keep the faith.

    Brenda (and Kelcy, Susie, Bodie and Max)
