Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 2 with Pippa

Day 2 AM:  Taking Pippa outside to potty has so far consisted of removing the top of her plastic crate, sliding a slip lead over her head before she can bolt to another hiding spot, and then picking her up and carrying her outside.  The whole time, I'm hoping that she doesn't potty on me.  When I set her down on the grass, she lays there for a bit, then will rise up just a tiny bit, crawl to a spot at the very end of the leash, and then go potty.  I have yet to see her actually stand upright.  After she went potty this morning, I took the slip lead off and turned my back on her to go inside.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pippa's shadow and she was actually walking and following me in to the house.  As soon as we came in, she scurried to a corner of the kitchen and stuck her head under the cabinets.  She proved she's a Brittany when I managed to lure her head out from under the cabinets by offering her some "cheese in a can" on the tip of my finger.  She was very interested in that particular treat, and after several offerings, I can now get her to stretch her head forward and lick my fingers if I have cheese spread on them.    The instant I take the cheese off the counter, I have to shoo my own dogs away, but I think their excitement has helped Pippa to take an interest in what I'm offering her.  Before I left to go in to the office for the afternoon, I took a dog biscuit and squirted a line of cheese spread on it.  I held it out for Pippa as she huddled in her crate.  She started licking the cheese spread off the cookie, so I gently left it in her crate.  As I was walking out the door, I hear her crunching the cookie!!  Progress, since she wouldn't take anything from me yesterday.

Day 2 PM:  When I came home from the office, Pippa was actually at the front of the crate, ready to come out.  I opened the back door first, then opened her crate, hoping she'd head straight outside.  Instead, she ran to the laundry room and tried to stuff herself behind the dryer.  Lesson learned...close all the doors in the house before letting her out.  I once more carried her outside to potty and stayed outside with her and my dogs.  I played with Buster and Charm and Pippa was brave enough to crawl to about 4 feet behind me.  Any time I look at her, though, she scurries off to where I can't see her again.  Inside, Pippa decided that a little corner in my hallway is a safe place.  I fed her dinner there, putting up a baby gate so the other dogs wouldn't bother her.  A second trip out to potty, later in the evening saw Pippa actually wandering around the yard.  She doesn't walk upright...more of a crouch, but she was exploring just a bit.  She won't come closer to me than about 4 feet, but it's progress that she's even coming that close.  She's back in her corner of the hallway now, and I'm sitting just over 4 feet away from her as I type this.  I figure I'll sit here for an hour or so, let her get used to me, then it'll be back in the crate for her and time for bed.
Pippa being brave and licking cheese spread off my fingers

Dinner time for Pippa, with Buster and Charm looking on

Hanging out in the hallway for a little desensitization..


  1. Lisa,
    I am truly loving reading about this pretty girl. Thank you for taking care of her.

  2. Thank you so much for allowing us to share in this journey....can't wait to celebrate Pippa's 'coming out' party with you!!

  3. I am looking forward to seeing Pippa's progress, keep up the great work!
