Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 20: Major Progress!!

Day 20:  Today saw major progress for both dogs!  It was so exciting after yesterday's setbacks.  Maybe the dogs just needed a day off yesterday.

Today, Pippa got to take a little trip.  I'll be going out of town in a week, and my parents are going to watch Pippa as well as my own dogs.  So, today, Pippa went over to my parents' house with me to check things out.  Britty went with us to keep Pippa company (and 'cuz Britty always gets to go).  Unfortunately, Pippa got sick in her crate on the ride over.  We carried Pippa, in her crate, outside so that we could clean the crate and Pippa.  That was a bit traumatic for her...she had to be caught and hosed off.  Honestly, she acted like we were trying to torture her.  After managing to catch Pippa, getting her hosed off (and getting myself soaked with water in the process), my Dad dried her off with a towel.  That was the only part that Pippa seemed even remotely okay with.  We set up the crate inside, and she promptly threw herself in the back and huddled in the crate like she used to do at my house.  I had to resort to taking the crate apart and carrying her outside to get her to potty.  My Mom did get Pippa to lick peanut butter off of her fingers, so that was progress too.  When it was time to leave, I made Pippa go outside for one last potty break and my Dad took her crate out to my car.  Outside, Pippa was right on my heels, following me around and staying close to me.  Once we came back inside, Pippa panicked because she couldn't find her crate to hide in.  Here's where the HUGE progress comes in.  I knelt down near her, and she came to me!!!!!  I know that I was just the most familiar thing there, but still, it was a huge thing for her to come to me.  She's never done that before.  She usually stays at least 4 feet away at all times.  I picked her up and she latched on to me with her legs.  I carried her out to the car, and put her in the crate.  Fortunately, the ride home did not result in her getting ill.  When we got home, I lifted Pippa and her crate out of the car, and let her loose in the closed garage.  We had a bit of a struggle getting in to the house, as Pippa decided she needed to hide in a corner of the garage.  I managed to get her inside and she instantly settled in her corner again.  She seems thrilled to be back at my house, where things are familiar.

Kipling had to stay at home while I was out today.  So, he was in the crate most of the afternoon.  He seemed okay with that, though.  This evening, I was sitting on the couch, and Buster decided it was dinner time.  Kipling was in his crate, with the door open, watching Buster and I "talk" to each other.  Buster was barking at me, then giving me hugs and just being a silly boy.  Kipling got very brave and decided he wanted to join in the fun.  I had a hand outstretched, and Kipling came up and put his chin in my hand!!!!   I said hi to him, scratched his chin a little bit, then went back to playing with Buster, Charm, and even Britty.  Kip didn't like being ignored, and every time I looked at him and put out my hand, he'd come up and put his chin in my palm!  Huge progress for the boy.  This evening, he's come up to me several more times and let me pet him briefly, or just stopped to see what I was doing.  He's coming in and out of the back door with no issues again, and seems much more settled than he has been so far.  I'm not sure what happened between last night and this evening, but I'm thrilled that it did happen and Kip is starting to trust me more.


  1. Pippa, didn't anyone tell you, Grandmas and Grandpas usually give out extra treats.

    Sending calming thoughts for her week away.

    Byron and Stephanie

  2. Are your parents going to watch the dogs at your house?
    Pippa seems more comfortable there...

  3. Great progress !!!!! Especially Pippa coming to you. Congrats !! Perseverance pays off !!
